Lekha Jamel
Lekha Jamel

Hello, My name is Lekha Jamel.I'm a 29 year old writer from London. I have 10+ years of experience with writing. I am a freelance author. I have written many novels,poems and articles over the years. However I did not pursue writing and in extension English as a professional career until 5 years ago. I have a site on journoportfolio where I publish Articles : lekhajamel.journoportfolio.com. I am also currently writing 2 novels to be published. Both in the drama fiction genre.

Connect with Lekha Jamel
Lekha Jamel

Lekha Jamel

Hello, My name is Lekha Jamel.I’m a 29 year old Freelance Author and Writer from London. I have 10+ years of experience with writing.